Has human society today ever really been on track? Or has it always been a train wreck? Most students of history can probably agree that there have been eras of greater and lesser social justice and accomplishments, highs and lows. Particular times and places that we...
Social Justice
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The Drop City Newsletter Archive
1966-1967 Drop City started out as an artist colony in 1965 near Trinidad, Colorado, and at the same time as a social experiment in living the Revolution, then quickly became the first hippie commune of the 1960s, the original countercultural community to use domes as...
Reading my paper at the U. of Havana Here's my paper, "Market Socialism in Yugoslavia and its Relevance to Cuba", which I read on June 28, 2016, at the Universidad de Habana. DOWNLOADABLE PDF HERE: Market Socialism Curl Article In 2016 I spent two weeks in...